About The Show

Each episode we interview founders to learn how to avoid the pitfalls common to recruiting, onboarding, and managing software developers.

About The Host

David Guttman is a developer and consultant obsessed with building repeatable systems for recruiting, onboarding, and managing remote software engineers.

Over the course of his 20+ years in software development, David has led engineering teams to ship massive and innovative projects, including the content platform that powers Disney.com and StarWars.com (along with over 170 other sites, across dozens of languages and regions); video ad servers that handle over 10 billion requests per day; and an LMS that TIME magazine listed as one of the Best Inventions of the Year 2020.

David is also a leader in the tech community. As the organizer of the monthly event series js.la, the host of the Junior To Senior podcast, and a champion in the Node.js mentorship initiative, he has helped thousands of developers level up.

David is the author of two popular JavaScript books, has over 90 open-source packages on npm, and has given talks at tech events and conferences like JSConf and JSFest.